Our Story Matters

Dear Outside The Lens Community,

As our nation begins to heal from this election, we feel honored to do the work that we do, and that all of you choose to take part in it with us. Throughout this election we have witnessed first hand the enormous power of media messaging, and in particular we have been bombarded with words and images designed to divide us.

We strive to provide youth with the tools to critically assess and create media to tell a different story; one that illustrates the strength in our diversity and community across our differences. We are here to provide a safe space for young people to tell their story, because all stories matter.

This past weekend at our annual gala we celebrated the achievements of our dedicated staff and our inspiring students. We witnessed our Youth Council, a group of high school students from all across San Diego County, coming together to share their collective story. The image of them standing together rings out like a beacon in divided times.

Thank you for being a part of writing this story.

Humbly and in solidarity,

Elisa, Lucy and the Outside The Lens Team