Adult Photography Bootcamps 101

Over these past two weekends at the Liberty Station offices OTL offered two introductory photo classes for adults seeking to become more familiarized with their DSLR cameras.

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Over the course of the bootcamp students became versed in the meanings of tools like aperture, shutter speeds, ISO, and white balance. They also learned they should go about changing these settings on their cameras per various shooting situations (i.e. daytime, nighttime, actions shots, ect.). Ultimately they worked to try and find harmony between all of the different tools their cameras use to take the perfect pictures.


The students sitting in the OTL classroom, listening to a lecture on white balance.

Shout outs to:

Daniel and Tara for teaching the two camps! You two managed to get so in depth and comprehensive in your lessons!


Daniel, an instructor, helping out some students.

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Tara, an instructor, teaching a lesson with a power point presentation.

The end goal of these bootcamps was for the students to feel comfortable taking their cameras off the auto setting once they left. After each topic was covered the students were directed to go outside in the OTL office’s “backyard,” take their cameras off auto, and apply the new skills they just learned.


OTL’s “backyard.”


Students taking pictures outside.

Two members of the Youth Council were present at these camps, assisting in the instructing while also documenting the experience; here’s what one has to say about her time in the camps:

“Sitting in on these camps almost felt like retaking a first year photo class in a single day! “

Good news, these classes are not over yet! There are many more opportunities to join Outside The Lens for an adult workshop.  Please visit our workshop page for more photo bootcamp locations and times!

Written by Beth Desta (Youth Council Participant)